Sunday, November 8, 2009

Speaking of Trails and Roads

At 4 a.m. I woke myself right up,
laid awake thinking about God.
I love God.
I wonder a lot about my relationship with Him.
I know He knows everything.
I know He loves me.
But, I don’t know if He really asked me to do some of the things I thought were His initiative.
Did I twist His intent to my meager understanding?
I know His ways are higher than my ways,
so I don’t understand why He asks me to do some of the things He asks me to do, but I don't want to get ten miles off track like the time we went on a hike and ended up who knows where because we got on the wrong trail – it wasn’t the original loop.
The problem is I am very often very sure the wrong way is the right way – speaking of trails and roads, of course.

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