Friday, October 5, 2012

The Rock Ceremony - Part One

Before we went to Kenya, Della received a request from a First Nations friend to bring back a stone from the land of the Maasai. As a member of the First Nations community in North America, he feels a special connection, a brotherhood, with the Maasai, a nation that roams the continent of Africa and owns much of the land in Kenya. 

So when Lydiah told us about her friend, the Maasai pastor whose father owns a large tract of land several hours from Ongata Rongai, we were eager to visit. Following Lydiah's instructions we brought along a few groceries including oil and flour for the widows in the Maasai community. 

While visiting this village, Della offered to buy the pastor's blanket, the one he had drying on the tree. 

After wrapping himself in the blanket one last time...

the stone ceremony begins. Pastor and Della pray over the rocks which have been gathered from the creek bed which runs through the Maasai land.

As the stones change hands, the blanket moves across shoulders. 

The rocks are blessed and will be a symbol of unity between the peoples.
Time to head back to Rongai.

1 comment:

Ellie/Gerard said...

Simple and beautiful ceremony!