Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Minnie Goes to Heaven (9)

(a novel continued)
“Let’s go see the place you’ll be staying while you are here,” Jesus said. 
They strolled across the green, green grass, toward music, lovely, far beyond any music Minnie had ever heard. Each note sounded perfect and clear. Evermore varied flowers appeared to her left and to her right, their soft petals brushing up against her ankles. A fragrance sweet and truly heavenly wafted in and out from among the blooms. 
Then Jesus led her through a wooded area and suddenly they were in a village. “This will be your home during your stay,” he said as he led her to a cottage at the side of a small lake. “You won’t be lonely here.” He had anticipated her next thought. 
Minnie stood with her hand in Jesus’ hand beside the lake, at the foot of a cobblestone path which curved through a bed of the most delicate, blue forget-me-nots, leading up to the white door of the grey stone cottage. Blue and yellow roses climbed on trellises around a large gleaming front window.
“This is my cottage?” Minnie stood in wonder. “It's exactly what I wanted all my life.”
Jesus smiled a knowing smile. “Hershal, your angel, is taking care of things here. He knows what you like.” Jesus kissed her hand and was gone. 

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